
생일 축하합니다~!

tommy liked my last post, so i will dedicate this post to him!

its my birthday week. birthdays make me feel sad & happy at the same time. sad because you realize that youre getting older (which means getting closer to your deathbed), but happy because you also realize how much your friends love you.

i love my friends. i know sometimes i get sick of them, take them for granted, etc etc, but all i need is one good day to jump start & jolt my good feelings back up again. im always super surprised that ANYBODY would show up for my birthday dinner, call me/text me to wish me a happy birthday, or even bother to get me a present. i always wonder if i was a good enough friend back.

today i met up with 2 of my childhood friends (sara was mia..again!) for a reunion/birthday dinner. we spent so much time reminiscing & being nostalgic that we sat at the restaurant until they closed & started to turn the lights off on us. 10+ years of friendship is hard to recap in a few hours. no matter how long we distance ourselves for, once we get together, everything is exactly the same.

another birthday dinner tmr night. more love. cant wait.